Health, wellness and personal transformations, a new stream at this year’s Transitions Film Festival

Our world is full of noise, distractions and personal trials. In these life-changing moments, personal stories told through film are a reminder there’s a silver lining in every circumstance – sometimes it just takes courage and persistence to find it.

At the Transitions Film Festival, we’re showcasing films that aim to inspire and uplift – stories from people who overcame hardship by exploring issues around health, wellness and wellbeing.

Here are just some of the extraordinary people whose journeys will be screening at the festival:

Alan Murray and Jan Murray-Wakelin, two sixty year olds who ran a marathon every day for a year.

Since being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer in 2001, Janette Murray-Wakelin, along with her partner Alan, has been on a mission to educate the public on the benefits of raw veganism. Janette and Alan are an incredible demonstration of what is possible with the human body.

RAW, a document film by Jon-Michael Mooney, follows the incredible journey of Alan and Janette. The pair, both in their 60s, set world records by running 366 consecutive marathons around Australia. Their mission? To promote a health based diet and its benefits for people and planet.

RAW + Q & A with filmmakers and Janette and Alan, screens:

Melbourne: 17 Feb, Cinema Nova
Melbourne: 18 Feb, Cinema Nova
Sydney March 9: Orpheum Cinema, Cremorne

Meghan O’Hara and her film about cancer, inspired by her own story of diagnosis to survival.

When acclaimed documentary film producer Meghan O’Hara (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko) was diagnosed with breast cancer, she teamed up with celebrated French Neuroscientist Dr David Servan-Schreiber to explore the impact and nature of the disease – and what can be done to prevent it.

The C Word explores the trends and habits that can increase the risk of cancer. The film aims to make us look at cancer in a different light. It highlights the startling fact that up to 70 per cent of cancer deaths are preventable, yet the deadly disease remains so pervasive and prevalent.

The C Word screens:

Melbourne: 18 February, Cinema Nova
Brisbane:  25 March New Farm Cinema 

Filmmaker Patrick Shen, who set out on a quest to find the beauty in moments of silence.

Silence is not just a kind of spiritual treat – it is an essential condition for human wellness and a necessary source of human inspiration. Filmmaker Patrick Shen observed the noise and distraction in our modern world, and set out to discover the true meditative power of silence.

His film, In Pursuit of Silence, is an exploration of our relationship with silence and sound – and the impact noise has on our everyday lives. From tranquil mountain scenes to noisy streets and subways, the film takes its audience on an immersive cinematic journey around the globe. “Ultimately, I hope that the film challenges audiences to slow down and on some level make the world new again for them,” says Shen.

In Pursuit of Silence screens:

Melbourne, 19 February, Cinema Nova

Looking for more inspiring stories?

These inspiring films and many more films will be screening at Transitions Film Festival, including Planting the Seeds of Mindfulness – an animated film which explores the transformative powers of mindfulness, compassion and contemplation.

For more information about the festival and your city’s full program, visit the Transitions Film Festival homepage.