This film has been exempt from classification and is restricted to persons aged 15 and over unless accompanied by an adult.
Set against the backdrop of the mining industry’s ever-increasing thirst for fossil fuels, Black Hole is an intense and riveting exposé. Revealing unseen footage of the Maules Creek coal mine blockade, police misconduct, corporate spies and the destruction of sacred Indigenous burial sites, Black Hole brings to life the power imbalance between big corporations and communities.
Black Hole follows a group of passionate citizens and Traditional Owners in their longstanding fight to protect the Leard State Forest in New South Wales. With a protest camp running over 960 days, including in excess of 320 arrests, the story is told through many colourful and passionate characters; local farmers, Indigenous elders, scientists, community supporters, mining company personnel, police and politicians.
Black Hole aims not just to give the voiceless a voice but also asks us to examine the future of coal, corporate responsibility and the rights governments afford to people vs polluters.