2015|95 min|UK
Directed by Steve Bradshaw
Australian Premiere
$35 full / $30 concession 
(Ticket price includes drinks and finger food at the Nova bar AFTER the screening and panel discussion)
Followed by panel discussion hosted by Matt Wicking (CSL) and  featuring Alex Kelly (Impact Producer, This Changes Everything) and Dr Angus Hervey (Political Economist,  Future Crunch)

An international community of scientists give us their take on the anthropocene, showing us today’s ecological and climatic changes from a new and deeply thought-provoking perspective. What will we do now that we know we are the new weather-makers? 

Anthropocene is a deeply fascinating guided tour from the big bang to the present day. It is a journey through the history of our world, the evolution of the term ‘anthropocene’, and the dilemmas we now face knowing the immense power we have to change the face and composition of the entire planet.